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Revamp! 2023 edition

If you're reading this, I finally finished converting my WordPress blog to a statically generated website, built using Nikola, and hosted on Netlify.

I started this whole process in September 2021, worked on it off and on - mostly off - and now it's good enough to turn the switch, and then tinker with it some more.

I am still trying to figure out what blogging means to me these days, but I do want a personal website I control and can update.

WordPress was fine, but I got a bit tired of having to update it and all of its plugins, and I suspect that during some PHP or WordPress or MySQL update by my hosting provider, it ate all of the special characters.

Now I have to update Nikola and Python and remember the workflow... but hey.

A ton of external links are broken. I did a reasonable amount of work to keep incoming links working, but seeing how many external links no longer worked, I lowered my standards. Still, I expect most links from the last version of the WordPress hosted version of this site to still work. On the back end, I had a big redirect list for even older links, but, well.

All comments have been restored - they were also broken on the WordPress version. However, I have not activated any kind of mechanism for anyone to comment here. Link to my post, or use social media, I guess.