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Changes at a previous employer

This is probably not of interest to most people, but the CEO of my previous employer, JoWooD Software Productions, is stepping down. Read all about it.

Update: I just read in this German-language article that JoWooD has closed two development studios: Wings, developer of Soeldner, and JoWooD Ebensee, developer of Industry Giant. The manager of the Ebensee studio was a co-founder of the company (and one of the few people who knows why the company is called what it is). A mere two years ago, Industry Giant was the flagship franchise of the company.

From the article:

Für die Produktpipeline des Unternehmens ergeben sich daraus allerdings keine negativen Effekte. Die Strategie von JoWooD sieht eine Fokussierung auf wenige Genres vor. Strategie-, Simulations- und Rollenspiele stellen hierbei den Kernbereich der Genres dar.

Which means:

This will have no negative effects on the company's product pipeline. JoWooD's strategy involves focussing on the strategy, simulation and role-playing genres.

Which makes a lot of sense given that Industry Giant is a fast-paced action game puzzle game dating sim  text adventure um. Maybe that doesn't make sense.